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Corporate Social Responsibility

Give back and get more at Allstate Northern Ireland

Making a difference to our community, people and environment

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is embedded firmly into the culture at Allstate NI and is manifested by our employees throughout a diverse range of initiatives and projects. Driving transformative change in the Technology sector means that it is vital that as a company we make a positive impact through the promotion of responsible business initiatives.

We are committed to providing a service that encourages growth and progress for 'Our Community', 'Our Environment', and 'Our People'. From harnessing 'Green Energy' to supply power to our offices, to investing in Code Clubs for local primary schools, we embrace our responsibility to be good citizens.

To learn more about our environmental policy CLICK HERE.

Allstate Ni employees volunteering at a nature center.

What we've been doing to make a difference

510 icon - illustration of employees on a hand.

Allstate Employees

Involved in volunteer activities

4,267 icon - illustration of an hour glass.

Hours of Volunteer Work

Logged by Allstate Employees



to charities in 2022

Hear from our volunteers

Business in the Community - NI Environmental Benchmarking Survey 2022 - Gold.
Proud to be strategic partners of Women's Aid NI. Illustration of a handshake.

Find out where you fit in!

A wide variety of roles to suit everyone.

Commitment to

Sustainable developement goals

We aim to be a responsible and socially conscious business, implementing practices and iniatives that benefit our people, our community, and our environment, both locally and globally.

Find out more

Commitment to

We aim to be a responsible and socially conscious business, implementing practices and iniatives that benefit our people, our community, and our environment, both locally and globally.

Find out more
Sustainable development goals
ECC Monitor: OK ECC Monitor: OK